Upcoming Virtual French Immersion Parent Information Sessions Please make sure to tune in to our French Immersion Parent Information Sessions before registration opens on January 19th, 2021!
Your Stories - Our Community Mayor Karen Elliot invites Squamish students and families to share their pandemic experience through an anonymous, online form. Learn more. Tell your story: yourstorysquamish.ca
Happy Holidays from the Senior Team & Administrative Council at School District No.48 Our warmest wishes this holiday season.
EDI Parent & Caregiver Newsletter If you are a parent or caregiver of a Kindergarten student, please read to learn more about The Early Development Instrument.
Rolling with ADHD: Free 8-Week Virtual ADHD Caregiver Workshop Workshop runs from January 6th to February 24, 2021!
VCH Open Board Forum Invitation-November 30th, 6:30pm to 8:30pm Open to the public, the VCH virtual Open Board Forum is an opportunity to join a conversation with the VCH Board, and for them to hear from you.