September 2022
Hello ESQE Families!
Wow, can you believe that September has come to an end already?! What an action packed month, with school start up, gradual entry of our new Kindergarten students, the Terry Fox run, National Truth and Reconciliation Day, and more! Thank you for working with us to get up and running this school year, everything runs smoother when we are in partnership with our families and community. We appreciate you keeping up on our weekly emails and updates as we share important information and up-coming events. Please continue to reach out for any clarification from your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
I would like to share my gratitude for our amazing teachers and educational assistants at ESQE! We truly have a staff that cares deeply about the students and families. Thank you to all of the ESQE staff for supporting a smooth start to our new school year. Also a big shout out to Ms. Velasco at the front office, we can't do it without her!
I hope October brings your family joy and comfort in the Fall weather!
Sarah Hain
ESQE Principal
- For any absences or early pick-ups please get in the habit to EMAIL [email protected] -this is more efficient than calling in
- Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing and shoes for the weather
- Please remember to send a water bottle with with your child
- Please fill out all forms through School Cash Online if you have not already done so
- Don't forget to to purchase your supplies through our online system or drop by the office with $45
- We still need your help to keep our students and staff save in our parking lot. Please find a proper spot to park and do not park or idle in the bus loop or round about.
- If you're child is sick, please stay home. Please continue to self assess before coming to school
- Oct 5th Teacher Appreciation Day
- Oct 5th Fire Drill
- Oct 10th Thanksgiving - No School
- Oct 19th Early Dismissal 2pm Parent Teacher Conference
- Oct 20th Early Dismissal 2pm Parent Teacher Conference
- Oct 21st Professional Development Day - No School
- Oct 26th Grade 6 Immunizations
Our ESQE students showed amazing energy, attitude and determination at this years Terry Fox Run! Thank you to Mme. Hryhirchuk's class for the awesome posters that marked our route!
Cheakamus Center - September Pro-D
The ESQE Staff ventured off site for this Septembers' Professional Development day, spending the day with the staff at the Cheakamus Center, engaging in place-based and Indigenous Learning. Exploring the land we learned about traditional plant knowledge, beliefs and the variety of plant uses, we had an opportunity to play a traditional sport known as "double ball", and we learned to pickle veg! We are extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to learn more about our local Squamish Nation and cannot wait to bring this knowledge into our practice.
ESQE Garden
Wow, this looks yummy! At the start of the school year, Ms. Keller had a chance to harvest some of the vegetables planted in our school garden!

We are super excited to announce the new members to our PAC executive team:
Chair - Brigitte Suter
Vice Chair - Pennie Clarke
Secretary - Alexa Harris
Treasurer - Inis LeBlanc
DPAC Rep - Nicole McRae
Thank you so much for joining the team, we can’t do it without you!
Some PAC News:
Sea to Sky Artisan Market: November 12
We are also very excited for the upcoming Sea to Sky Artisan Market fundraiser, which will be held Saturday, November 12 from 10am to 4pm at the school. This year we are expanding this event to include our talented Grade 4, 5 and 6 students to try their hand as young entrepreneurs. Please submit your child's application form by Friday, October 14.
Elf Workshop: Items Needed
We are starting to collect items for our Elf Workshop fundraiser in December. Starting Monday, October 3 there will be a donations bin available in the foyer of the school at drop off and pick up times. We are looking for gently used items for parents, guardians, grandparents, and siblings. We will also be collecting wrapping paper, tissue paper, and gift bags. This is always a memorable event for the students and their families and we truly appreciate your generosity in making this happen.
Thank you for all of your support!
We want to wish a happy birthday to all of our students born in September! To celebrate everyone, students will get a photo shoot/picture with optional birthday bling & a birthday book! Due to the short week, September Bday students can expect this next week!